Tierschutzverein Europa
New home found

Here are all the animals, for which new homes have been found.


Juni 2020
Portrait LocationName: Bingo
Race: Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 67 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bruno
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 68 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Carlotta
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ausgewachsen bis ca. 50 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Coma
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 45 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Dabo
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 36 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Dodo
Race: House cat
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: Unknown
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Hermine
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 45 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Lolly
Race: Mongrel
Age: 6 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 30 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Manuela
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 50 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Molly
Race: Mongrel
Age: 6 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 30 cm
Found a new home in Spain
Portrait LocationName: Nieves
Race: Mongrel
Age: 6 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 57 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Nube
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 60 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Oscar
Race: Mongrel
Age: 11 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 58 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Osito
Race: Mongrel
Age: 16 years old
Approximate Height: 30 cm
Found a new home in Spain
Portrait LocationName: Punto
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 45 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Rio
Race: Mongrel
Age: 6 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 56 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Ron
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 45 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Rufin
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 38 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Sarah
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: aktuell 35 cm
Found a new home in Germany

Mai 2020
Portrait LocationName: Abdon
Race: Mongrel
Age: 6 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 62 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Alma
Race: Mongrel
Age: 12 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 40 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Angel
Race: Mongrel
Age: 6 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 66 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Arce
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: erwachsen geschätzt 55 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Arena
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ausgewachsen geschätzt 65-70 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Arturo
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 20 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bamban
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: z.Z. 52 cm (wird 60 – 65 cm)
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Baska
Race: Mongrel
Age: 6 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 75 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bellota
Race: Mongrel
Age: 7 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 49 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bellota
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 54 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bibi
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 50 cm
Found a new home in Germany


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