Tierschutzverein Europa
Portrait Name: Dieselita
Race: Mongrel
Gender: Female
Approximate Date of Birth: 08.2006 (18 years old)
Approximate Height: 25 cm
Residence: germany

The small Dieselita is now 3 – 4 months old and was found in an old car. The little girl couldn´t go away there, because she had a multiple broken leg.
The animal protectors from Segovia need now help for the operation which is very expensive – nearly 800 Euros.
We hope now that you can help this shelter where really nice people are fighting for the dogs.
The shelter in Segovia is a own Spanish association and the animal protectors take care each day for their fosterlings.

Here are the bank dates:
Asociación para la defensa de los animales de Segovia
2069 / 0022 /80 / 0000165619
IBAN ES14 20690022800000165619

Please make a notation under the remittance: Operation or Dieselita

After the operation we want to find a new home for the small mouse, which is sure going well also in a family with children.
Dieselita will be between 45 cm tall when she is grown up. She will be chiped and vaccinated. She is too young to be neutered, as well as too be tested for Mediterranean diseases.

Who wants to give her a new chance?

Tobias Ehrenbeck (Languages: German, English)
Phone: 07304/928888
Mobile: 0176/27262613

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