Tierschutzverein Europa

Welcome to our website about dogs and cats in distress


Dog of the day (28. 09. 2024) - Brosa
Mongrel Female, 8 years old, Approximate Height ca. 61 cm


01. Dezember 2011

Fiamma seeks out a new home of 88317 Aichstetten, because her foster parents, they may not take longer because of a structural transition into the business.

With a heavy heart is made of the friendly, problem now bitch. Who could imagine the clever mouse record with him?

Please click on Fiammas image to learn more about them.

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26. November 2011

Late is an unlucky man who has a battered legs.

We want to bring the boys happy to Germany, to let him operate here.

Who wants to help Late?

Please click on his picture to learn more from him

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24. November 2011

Betty could now be operated on, thanks to your donations! By "success" you will always like the donation barometer.

Her eye had to be removed but unfortunately completely. We hope that we are now but yet still find a home for the sweet mouse, which acts just as a substitute Alberto's mom in the shelter and there is a lovely litter babies who have to live without their mother there, take care.

Who likes to give her a home?

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21. November 2011

Sabu and his Orión Brufen have been waiting for puppies at the shelter for a second chance ...

Her brother Duncan Spaninen could leave now and has been living lately, on Lake Constance, where he has developed quite primna.

We now hope that the other two brothers find an opportunity.

Please click on the image of Orion, to learn more about him.

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18. November 2011

There are also some velvet paws, a new zuahuse looking for, please click the "mediation of cats" to get to know them.

Representing Aloe also waiting for a new home ...

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18. November 2011

Dear Animal Friends,

Christmas is around the corner, it's time to start thinking about Christmas presents.

We offer customized gift certificates this year. Give away a bit of help and happiness for our four-legged friend in the form of a 12-month sponsorship funding for 30 € (plus € 1.45 postage).

This funding sponsorship ends automatically after 12 months, is not so extended.
The gift certificates are printed in color on thick card sent.

If you are interested in our gift certificates, please contact Stephanie Schmidt.
steffi.s @ tsv europa.com

An enlarged view gift certificate you can, if you click on the smaller area ...

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14. November 2011

Our Nica waiting in Calpe for so long for a chance.

Would you like to be the people who want to give her another chance?

Please click on the image to learn more about the funny bitch ...

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06. November 2011

Betty is a female Breton who needed urgent surgery because of glaucoma.

Please click on her picture to learn more about the dog.

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04. November 2011

Nuka investigated by Lenzkirch (Black Forest) from a new home.

Who might take the bitch? If you click on the picture, they learn more about the mouse ...

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29. Oktober 2011

Pongo is coming back, unfortunately, because of the "small" Mancho needs people to tell him clearly what to do and what not.
He now lives in 79312 Emmendingen.

A good obedience school would also be an important thing in the lout with a year we receive a good guide.

Please click on the image to two videos to get a lot of pictures and info from him.

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