Tierschutzverein Europa

01. Januar 1970

The sweet Negra was operated on successfully. The costs for the first operation amounted to 410 Euro. Now she must have a second operation to remove the plate and screws in her leg, before she can around once more. As we have recieved donations over 410 Euro the second operation can be paid for without further ado.

We have only managed due to the contributions from our readers.
Thank you

Bentner            150,00 €
Bill 80,00 €
Knab 50,00 €
Senska 100,00 €
Borrelbach/Warnier 200,00 €
Becker 300,00 €
Schaul 150,00 €
Miller 25,00 €
Wagner 50,00 €
Mudler 100,00 €
Kass 110,00 €

We would also like to thank Andrea, who patiently took care of Negra through these rough times.


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