Tierschutzverein Europa
Foster homes

Many of our dogs have been waiting very long at the shelter for their chance to be taken to Germany by a family. Among so many dogs, some treasures simply do not stand out. Such dogs need starting assistance by a foster home, so that not year after year elapses, until they are finally discovered. Our foster homes are also often rescuers in distress when dogs can be rescued from death. Because the local capacities in our partner animal shelters are limited.

The work of a foster home is not easy. You usually open not only your door, but also your heart for a dog's soul. Sometimes this makes it hard to say goodbye when the foster dogs found his own family. We are very grateful that there are people who offer our dogs this unique opportunity.

We are always looking for such special people who are willing to take care of a dog responsibly until it has found his home forever. Of course we are always there should any unforeseen problems arise - we are always at your side with advice and action. Nevertheless, it would of course be an advantage if the foster parents already had dog experience so that everything could run more smoothly.

In order to work as closely as possible with the foster homes, new foster homes are only possible in the Freiburg i. Br., Black Forest, Ortenau, Reutlingen, Tübingen, Metzingen and the surrounding area, Nuremberg, Cologne and Düsseldorf. In all other places you are of course welcome to ask if anything has changed.

Unfortunately we cannot make a compensation payment for accommodation or usual veterinarian visits, because our animal protection association made it its duty to send the lion's share of the money to the animal protectors in Spain, so that they can go on helping dogs in need. This means, for example, that we cannot pay daily nursing allowance rates and would have to cover everything from our private budget if we were to incur any costs.

We therefore appeal to animal lovers who are no longer able to take in a dog but would still like to help at times.

Transport from abroad will in any case be provided to southern Germany.
The dogs are all chipped, sufficiently vaccinated, veterinarily examined and if old enough already neutered.

All southern dogs from 10 months are subjected to a large blood test for Mediterranean diseases.

If you are interested, please contact Barbara Renz. We look forward to your support.

Barbara Renz (Languages: German, English)
Phone: 0221 2223370
Mobile: 0163 2524543

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