Tierschutzverein Europa
Portrait Name: Mazli
Race: Mongrel
Gender: Male
Approximate Date of Birth: 01.2006 (18 years old)
Approximate Height: 71 cm
Residence: germany

This dog, which is called today Mazli, was found in a garden. The animal was bound probably for weeks at a chain. The owner left the poor chap finally to his fate and the dog was going to die. The body of the thin and nearly drained dog was scattered with ulcerated wounds. When Mrs. Szanto wanted to untie Mazli from the chain, she saw with frights that the chain had in-grown into the skin. They brought it immediately into the animal hospital, where the surgeons removed the chain operationally. Mazli got additionally equivalent times an antibiotic and a vitamin treatment. Against the unknown animal torturer determined however unfortunately could it up to the today's day not be found. Nobody knows, who adjusted the poor chap in such a way.
Now Mazli is in the Hungarian shelter of Kaposvar and we look for affectionate humans for him, who would like to take up the pretty dog, so that he can forget his bad past.
Mazli is despite his bad experiences a correct sun light and could also well into a family be mediated, if the children are understanding enough. It is a dear, cuddly and friendly "sheep", which can be full with energy however and likes to play always. Mazli might be not older like 1.5 years old and is already chiped, inoculated. Before a transport it could be also still castrated.

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