Tierschutzverein Europa

Muki originates from Hungary. His owner was tieing him with a wire loop around the neck on a garbage dump lashed over when he knew that the dog is blind that Muki finds perhaps nevertheless still home.
Before the dog would have died of thirst, the dogcatcher found him and brought him in the shelter of Székesfehérvár.
Muki is a small (approx. 35 - 40 cm) male mixed dog. He is very dear, compatible and gets well along with its blindness. Muki is approx. nine years old.
Now we look for a new calm home for him with understanding humans, who do not disturb themselves at his blindness.
The best would be in this case naturally either a at-grade apartment or a house with garden, where Muki would get along certainly soon.
Blind dogs have special abilities to come with their handicap well rightfully however the shelter is an agony for them, because they can orient themselves there badly.

Gladly Mukis contact person gives you still more information:

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