Tierschutzverein Europa
Hunde und Katzen aus Badajoz

In Badajoz there are lots of place problems, since the vacation period has started and many Spaniards deliver their animals in the death station (perrera).
In addition still change work on the building of the perrera must be accomplished and thus comes it additionally to these problems.
Mariangeles stands now "with the back at the wall" and has to rent more places in expensive Spain pensions for the rescue of dogs and cats.
But this needs urgently money.
Subsequently, Mariangeles could again work with all the people from par example Germany or Netherlands, that the dogs and cats could be obtained – after saving their lives.
Mariangeles creates it together with some associations and individuals again for nearly three years each week to save all lifes from the dogs and cats as by a miracle.
Only this time she needs really further assistance in financial view...

Who can help in this situation? Who has a few euro remaining, so that the dogs and cats, which can be taken over and obtained later by some organizations, are only once in security? Please you donate for the animals in Badajoz over:

Tierschutzverein Europa e. V.
Mainzer Volksbank e.G.
IBAN: DE25551900000795039015

Intended purpose: Badajoz July 2007

Of course we will transfer the entire donations to Spain to the non-profit association, in which Mariangeles works.
This action runs in co-operation with
www sternenhunde.de

Cordial thanks

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