Tierschutzverein Europa

Nuka is a Breton Espagneul bitch with seven to eight years. Their shoulder height is 47 cm.

You may now live in a foster home in 79853 Lenzkirch, where she has become great.

The background:
She lived on a property at night and had to sleep in a garage, because the people they did not live in the house.
Every evening, stopped crying the good soul of the neighborhood Nuka Carmen when she was alone again locked in the garage. This went on every day - until one day there was nothing to hear.
Carmen was a little worried about the house and learned that the owner had remarried and the man suffered a dog on the property. Nuka's why they had given in the killing of Andújar station.
Immediately went to Carmen Perrera, since it is known that many dogs every week her death and Nuka freed immediately from there.

Nuka is otherwise a totally love, obedient and friendly dog ​​who enjoys his new life in the flat in Germany.
She likes to move a lot and outside. The house then it is rather quiet, happy and very grateful.

An examination by a veterinarian has now shown that Nuka in the left eye sees nothing, or very bad, that seems to come from the beatings they have strayed in previous years must feel.
Nuka itself has become accustomed to it and you do not mind can only see with one eye.

Hopefully we will find someone who is not and it bothers Nuka gives a second chance. Please get in touch with the contact Regina Gnann.

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