Tierschutzverein Europa

Sky is a female dog that have suffered too much in her life. She used to belong to a mad old hunter. She was nothing but a simple object for him. Just an instrument to hunt. This is the reason why he cut her eyes as a punishment when she was too old to go on being a good hunter.

Her ears were cut with a knife. As you can see in the pictures they were never cured and the infection is still there. So we have now a strong fight in order to stop the infection and keep the rest of her ears. Apart from that terrible thing, Sky has been tortured during her whole life. We presume that she has been even raped by her own owner (old single man). But what we can assign for sure is that she has been tied during her whole life.

The only minutes of freedom that she could enjoy were those in which she was hunting in the country. This is maybe 2 or 3 weeks in the year. This is the reason why she has a scar around her neck. Sky has also been strongly mistreated. When she barked or cried, this man used to tie her mouth with a rope. That made that she could not eat or drink anything for days sometimes. If she tried to escape, he tied her for legs in one, during days as well. We have to add that the place where she was tied had no ceiling.

So it was very cold and wet in winter and very hot (no shadows) in summer. The nephew of that man knew about the terrible conditions in which Sky was living and gave to that man a kennel and a blanket so that the dog could have a warm place to sleep and a shadow in summer. Two days after that, the man destroyed both things because he said that a dog was a dog and nothing more. Now that man has died. I cannot say that I am sorry. But I am very happy because now we have a chance to change Sky's life.

Sky is 10 years old and is positive in Leishmania. So we know that only a big heart person will want to adopt her. But we have to try everything for this treasure. We are still waiting for the blood test results but she has already started her treatment against Leishmania. Because of her nails we know for sure that she is positive. We call her now Sky, but this dog was always been called "Dog". As I told you, she was nothing for that man. Her height is 45 cm and her weight is 14 kg. About her character, her foster place says that she is the best dog in the world. She has no problems with the other dogs of the family and she is also very sweet with people (including men). She loves caresses and she even cries when you touch her.

We don't know if this is a happy reaction or if she reminds what used to happen when she was touched by the monster. But what it is sure is that she needs lot of afection and protection. There is a grain in her tail. But we think that it is just a fat grain. Sky is living her last years but it is not too late to make her know the meaning of love. So now we need to find as soon as possible a family that can love her for the rest of her life.

Stephanie Schmidt (Languages: German, English, French)
Phone: 07033-4739612 ab 19:00 Uhr
Mobile: 0174-2308461ab 19:00 Uhr

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