Tierschutzverein Europa
Portrait Name: Chica
Race: Podenca
Gender: Female
Approximate Date of Birth: 08.2000 (24 years old)
Approximate Height: 50 cm
Residence: Jaén

This Podenca listens to the beautiful name, chica '. Based on their chips, it was on 10 Born in May 2000, is now also 11 years old and has a shoulder height of 50 cm.
Is out of its chip can also be seen that it has lost its owner, a hunter, and probably ran away.

We know this man and would in any case, that the sweet Chica is coming back to their former masters: for one thing is clear, it certainly would not fare well!

We are now looking for a new, loving home for this poor mouse that is now in the killing of Jaén station after he was arrested several days ago of the workers here in the middle of the road. We have serious concerns that the hunter in the Perrera call and ask about his dog could ...
For this reason, we have found are urgently looking for a place where we can hide it well until we get a new family for her. It would be great if we could find a foster home in Germany or in Switzerland for example, Chica.
About their behavior is to report that she is very shy and anxious, which is also clearly seen in the photos. She joins the people not to openly and without hesitation, but this is understandable when you consider that they had not been too good and friendly encounters with their two-legged companions. On the other hand, they would very much like to give trust, and finally learn love and affection, because she enjoys to be petted - although such donations currently only accepts trembling.

Chica is an absolutely charming, and certainly very great bitch, if she has overcome her reluctance at first. It sees itself perfectly with their four-legged friends, is very quiet and just a sweet mouse!
They would certainly be a perfect dog for an older couple or butt of ridicule and would certainly be delighted and deeply grateful if would soon find a new place for it!

Who gives this girl a dog place in his heart?

We are very pleased to get in contact with their contact Rosemarie Schmidt.That you will be glad to answer any questions about adoption.

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Rosemarie Schmidt (Languages: German, English)
Phone: 07033-406646
Mobile: 0173-6656219

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