Tierschutzverein Europa

Tino is aged around 10 years and has a shoulder height of 45 cm. His weight is 20 kilograms. He was on 12 10th 2011 is now neutered and medical supplies elsewhere endlcih hissing, because his health is pitiful: the claws are too long and he has an awful lot of live fleas that aall of him. But now everything you want to change!

Tino is a particularly poor guy, but unfortunately, a very typical Spanish hunting dog. Tino had lived all his life to an old man on the chain, which was removed only from time to time for the duration of a hunt. Meanwhile, Tino at least 10 years old, half blind and half deaf. Its owner is now so old that he has left his house and moved in with his daughter. Of course, Tino was not relocated to and remained alone at the empty house.

Tino could turn out to be the chance of his life, because in the neighborhood a living animal rights activists, the Tino is now supplied with food and everything is the fact that the old Griffon dogs on his last months, maybe years but may live again what it means to have a real home.

Tino has never lived in the house, he will not be housebroken from day one, even children know, driving a car or in the city. Tino is looking for a quiet place, children should be a little older. It would be wonderful if Tino could relive what life can be. Sure his family will have to bring him patience initially opposed.

Tino is now in a foster home in Spain where he can recover only once. Nevertheless, it would be great of Dia, when a family would be found, then where would drag Tino ...

Are you interested in the Sabuesomischling? Then please contact Nina at Tinos Frederick, who would be happy to contact us.

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Nina Friedrich (Languages: German, English)
Mobile: 0163-7763864 (von 19 - 22:00 Uhr)

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