Tierschutzverein Europa
Portrait Name: Jerry
Race: Mongrel
Gender: Male
Approximate Date of Birth: 08.2011 (13 years old)
Approximate Height: klein bleibend
Residence: Andújar

"Hello, Dear Ones!"

"I'm not a gaaaaaanz sweet little mouse?"
This golden treasure, Jerry is just under two months old (November 2011) and still very small. Even as a grown dog, he will not be very great - but his mother also has a shoulder height of about 31 cm.

Jerry is one of six children, puppies, and his sisters hot Popea, Maggy, Kale, May and Pulgarcito. Frappierenderweise children, these dogs are quite different - in particular as regards their current size.

As so often, pet owners "have not taken the matter seriously enough" and not paying attention well enough on their dog, so it came to that though undisputed hearted, but unfortunately unwanted offspring. We regret this very irresponsible attitude and attitude! Particularly given the current economic situation in Spain is very critical needs no great imagination to picture what happens to such innocent babies ...
Jerry is currently in the shelter of Alberto Andujar and explores where curiosity - like all puppies - its immediate environs.Are you not also completely enraptured by this sweet boy dog?

Incidentally, these six babies, Betty, who is also on our website for teaching and urgently looking for a loving home, as her mother chosen. Betty obviously cares very touching to these puppies and caressed them as if they were their own little children.
If you want to look lovingly at the small and cozy place to provide one for him, you should contact his contact person, Rita Black. You will be glad to answer all your questions about adoption.

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Rita Schwarz (Languages: German, English)
Phone: 0 71 72 18 36 35 (ab 19:00)
Mobile: 0176-27 90 26 79

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