Tierschutzverein Europa
Blacky (Pepe) - handicaped
Portrait Name: Blacky (Pepe) - handicaped
Race: Mongrel
Gender: Male
Approximate Date of Birth: 12.2003 (20 years old)
Approximate Height: 55 - 60 cm
Residence: austria

Blacky is a poor boy, found in the city from Barbstro (Northern Spain). There is was lying where a lot of people cross the place.
Nobody was helping this por boy.

Then Pili, an animal protector was passing the place an looked at this dog was so sad because he had a lot of hurts.
His body was without energy and he was so thin.

Pili made a telephone call to Ilona from El Arca and she came and they pick the big dog up and brougth him to the docotor.

The operation for this 3 - 5 years old boy will sure cost 500 Euro.
With his staying for 10 days in the animal hospital it is around 1200 Euro, El Arca has to payfor Blacky.

If you have the posibility to give some Euro, please make a bank transfer to this account:

Tierschutzverein Europa e. V.
Mainzer Volksbank e.G.
IBAN: DE25551900000795039015

Take the code word: "Blacky-El Arca"

Sure we will give 100 % of this money to the animal proctors to pay everything.

Thank you so much
Blacky and the El Arca-Team

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