Tierschutzverein Europa

Poor little Angel was left at the perrera in Cadiz to meet her doom. Animal activists managed to rescue her from sure death at the last minute. The sweet dog is 6-7 years old and just about 40 cm tall.

She tested positive for ehrlichiosis (which was treated cured) and Leishmaniasis. Further, she seems to suffer another infectious disease, which still has to be treated. And as if that wasn't enough, the sweet female suffers from hair loss, which means she has to be washed with expensive special shampoos.

Her caretaker talks about Angel as a sweet and loving dog, who answers each treatment with a thankfull shake of her tail. Angel takes in all that is said around her like a sponge and is happy about every stroke. Such a sweet dog can't be allowed to die, right?

Her caretaker in Spain will do everything needed for her, but the costs keep on rising and it would be great if some money could be sent to spain. Who has a giving heart and could spare a small donation?

To collect all donations I put by account at your disposal. All donations are guaranteed to go to Angel in Spain and help with the costs for her treatments!

Account holder: Ute Hübner
Account number: 706320804
Bank Code: 70010080
Bank: Postbank München
Please always use "S.O.S. Angel" in the comment.

Many thanks

The Spanische-Hunde-in-Not-Team

As soon as Angel is ready for transportation, she will go to a foster home in NRW (Germany), where she will be further cared for. If you wish to adopt Angel, please contact Tatjana Hüber.

(Languages: )

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