Tierschutzverein Europa
New home found

Here are all the animals, for which new homes have been found.


September 2016
Portrait LocationName: Pizza
Race: Mongrel
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: 20 cm, werden um die 40 - 45 cm gross
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Pocholi
Race: Mongrel
Age: 11 years old
Approximate Height: 55 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Pongo
Race: Dalmatiner Mongrel
Age: 11 years old
Approximate Height: 45 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Quintin
Race: Mongrel
Age: 10 years old
Approximate Height: 25 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Reina
Race: Mongrel
Age: 19 years old
Approximate Height: 40 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Rex
Race: Malinois Mongrel
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: 60 cm, wächst noch ca. 5 -10 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Ron
Race: Podenco-Mongrel
Age: 11 years old
Approximate Height: 54 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Rosita
Race: Pointer
Age: 17 years old
Approximate Height: 55 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Thor
Race: German Shepard
Age: 12 years old
Approximate Height: 75 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Titan
Race: Shepard Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: 63 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Titina
Race: Yorkshire
Age: 13 years old
Approximate Height: 21 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Willow
Race: Terrier Mongrel
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: aktuell 35 cm, wird um die 40 cm gross
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Wini
Race: Mongrel
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: wird 40 - 45 cm gross
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Wio
Race: Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: 65 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Zaire
Race: Mongrel
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: 26 cm, wird um die 35 - 40 cm gross
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Zara
Race: Husky
Age: 14 years old
Approximate Height: 65 cm
Found a new home in Germany

August 2016
Portrait LocationName: Afrodita
Race: Mongrel
Age: 10 years old
Approximate Height: 30 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Albi
Race: Shepard Mongrel
Age: 11 years old
Approximate Height: 69 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Alma
Race: Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: 40 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Apollo
Race: Podenco Mongrel
Age: 10 years old
Approximate Height: 52 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Ariel
Race: Labrador Mongrel
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: 36 cm, wird um die 60 cm gross
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Ato
Race: Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: 55 cm, wird um die 60 cm gross
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Augustina
Race: Mongrel
Age: 12 years old
Approximate Height: 64 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bamba
Race: Gos d´atura Mongrel
Age: 10 years old
Approximate Height: 42 cm
Found a new home in Austria
Portrait LocationName: Bastian
Race: Mongrel
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: wird ca. 55 - 60 cm gross
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bonka
Race: Mongrel
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: 36 cm, wird um die 60 cm gross
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Boo
Race: Galga
Age: 11 years old
Approximate Height: 56 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bran
Race: Mongrel
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: wird um die 50 - 55 cm gross
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Calvin
Race: Mongrel
Age: 12 years old
Approximate Height: 55 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Céfiro
Race: Mongrel
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: wird um die 40 - 45 cm gross
Found a new home in Germany


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