Tierschutzverein Europa
New home found

Here are all the animals, for which new homes have been found.


August 2020
Portrait LocationName: Bosque
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 60 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Brandie
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 33 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bulu
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: aktuell 32 cm
Found a new home in Spain
Portrait LocationName: Cloony
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 32 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Dido
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: aktuell 35 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Doker
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 38 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Drogon
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 55 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Estela
Race: Mongrel
Age: 10 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 24 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Fagus
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: wird ca. 45 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Filou
Race: Mongrel
Age: 6 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 44 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Finn
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 25 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Galo
Race: Mongrel
Age: 12 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 59 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Gorme
Race: Mongrel
Age: 12 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 59 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Herman
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 32 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Hope
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 55 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Kala
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: aktuell ca. 30 cm./ ausgewachsen geschätzt um die 40 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Kissy
Race: German Shepherd Mongrel
Age: 10 years old
Approximate Height: 48 cm
Found a new home in Romania
Portrait LocationName: Lara
Race: Mongrel
Age: 11 years old
Approximate Height: 35-40 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Licer
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ausgewachsen ca. 45 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Lilo
Race: Mongrel
Age: 7 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 64 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Lina
Race: Mongrel
Age: 11 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 57 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Linda
Race: Border Collie
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: 50 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Marilyn
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ausgewachsen ca. 45 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Mijo
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: aktuell ca. 30 cm./ ausgewachsen geschätzt um die 40 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Monty
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ausgewachsen ca. 45 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Nero
Race: Mongrel
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 47 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Oliveta
Race: Border Collie Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: aktuell 35 cm (wird ca. 50cm)
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Olympia
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: Unknown
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Osete
Race: Mongrel
Age: 7 years old
Approximate Height: 35 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Paty
Race: Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 50 cm
Found a new home in Luxembourg


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