Tierschutzverein Europa
New home found

Here are all the animals, for which new homes have been found.


Mai 2015
Portrait LocationName: Vivaldi
Race: Dalmatiner
Age: 10 years old
Approximate Height: 56 cm, wächst noch 3 - 5 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Yimba
Race: Shar Pei Mongrel
Age: 13 years old
Approximate Height: 50 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Yuya
Race: Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: wird um die 33 - 38 cm groß
Found a new home in Germany

April 2015
Portrait LocationName: Anton
Race: Pointer Mongrel
Age: 13 years old
Approximate Height: 64 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Ariel
Race: Shepard Mongrel
Age: 11 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 55 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Arjona
Race: Galga
Age: 12 years old
Approximate Height: 60 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bairon
Race: Mongrel
Age: 12 years old
Approximate Height: 58 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bako
Race: Cocker Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: ausgewachsen 45-50 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Belen
Race: Bodequero Andaluz Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: wird um die 40 - 45 cm groß
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bianca
Race: Mongrel
Age: 10 years old
Approximate Height: 32 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Black
Race: Shepard Mongrel
Age: 17 years old
Approximate Height: 65 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bronte
Race: Podenco Mongrel
Age: 11 years old
Approximate Height: 38 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bruno
Race: Mongrel
Age: 10 years old
Approximate Height: wird ca. 35 - 40 cm groß
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Calipso
Race: Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: wird um die 45 - 50 cm groß
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Casper
Race: Labrador Mongrel
Age: 13 years old
Approximate Height: 50 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Ceres
Race: Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: wird um die 45 - 50 cm groß
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Circe
Race: Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: wird um die 45 - 50 cm groß
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Conan
Race: Mongrel
Age: 11 years old
Approximate Height: 65 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Dalo
Race: Havaneser Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: wird um die 30 cm groß
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Diana
Race: Mongrel
Age: 12 years old
Approximate Height: 67 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Diva
Race: Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: wird um die 55 cm groß
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Felipe
Race: Mongrel
Age: 10 years old
Approximate Height: 31 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Ilenio
Race: Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: wird ca. 35 - 40 cm groß
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Juanita
Race: Mongrel
Age: 10 years old
Approximate Height: 27 cm wird um die 30 - 33 cm groß
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Jupiter
Race: Podenco Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: wird ca. 40 - 45 cm groß
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Kassandra
Race: Mongrel
Age: 11 years old
Approximate Height: 42 cm, wächst noch 3 - 5 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Kisis
Race: Mongrel
Age: 10 years old
Approximate Height: 40 cm, wird vermutlich ca. 55 cm groß
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Llori
Race: Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: wird um die 34-38 cm groß
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Luna
Race: Mongrel
Age: 10 years old
Approximate Height: 36 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Marina
Race: Border Collie Mongrel
Age: 9 years old
Approximate Height: wird ca. 60 cm groß
Found a new home in Germany


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