Tierschutzverein Europa
New home found

Here are all the animals, for which new homes have been found.


Januar 2020
Portrait LocationName: Annalis
Race: Shepherd-Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: 52 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Anuska (Lotte)
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: Aktuell 55 cm, wird vermutlich 65 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Atenea
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 40 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bandit
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 16 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Barney
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: derzeit 30 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bones
Race: Mongrel
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 48 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bores
Race: Mongrel
Age: 6 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 59 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Brandon
Race: Mongrel
Age: 7 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 64 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Camila
Race: Mongrel
Age: 16 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 66 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Carlos
Race: Mongrel
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 52 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Cris
Race: Mongrel
Age: 6 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 45 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Dafne
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ausgewachsen geschätzt 50-55 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Danny
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: derzeit 21 cm (ausgewachsen ca. 30-35 cm)
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Duquesa
Race: Mongrel
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 25 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Fanny
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: derzeit 18 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Isla
Race: Podenco
Age: 6 years old
Approximate Height: 42 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Kellia
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: derzeit 23 cm / ausgewachsen ca. 30-35 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Pepita
Race: Mongrel
Age: 15 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 35 cm
Found a new home in Germany

Dezember 2019
Portrait LocationName: Aless
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: aktuell: 32 cm (Stand 24.10) ausgewachsen geschätzt: 50-60 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Amaia
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: aktuell: 28 cm (Stand 24.10) ausgewachsen geschätzt: 50-60 cm
Found a new home in Spain
Portrait LocationName: Angelita
Race: Mongrel
Age: 6 years old
Approximate Height: 38 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bea
Race: Mongrel
Age: 12 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 42 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bella
Race: Mongrel
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 25 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Berlin
Race: Bodeguero Andaluz Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: wird ca. 45 cm gross
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Betty
Race: Pocenca
Age: 6 years old
Approximate Height: 38 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bianca
Race: Mongrel
Age: 7 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 20 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Boni
Race: Dalmatiner Mongrel
Age: 7 years old
Approximate Height: 45 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bonita
Race: Mongrel
Age: 8 years old
Approximate Height: ca. 47 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Bruma
Race: Mongrel
Age: 4 years old
Approximate Height: ausgewachsen ca. 55-60 cm
Found a new home in Germany
Portrait LocationName: Brun
Race: Mongrel
Age: 5 years old
Approximate Height: aktuell 30 cm. / ausgewachsen geschätzt 45-50 cm
Found a new home in Germany


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