Tierschutzverein Europa

Welcome to our website about dogs and cats in distress


Dog of the day (28. 09. 2024) - Brosa
Mongrel Female, 8 years old, Approximate Height ca. 61 cm


25. Oktober 2011

New emergency from Andalusia:

Rubio is a poor little treasure that needs urgent help.

Please click on his picture to learn more about him ...

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18. Oktober 2011

Our Hundeopi Tino is a Griffonmischling, who had 10 years to live with a hunter and there was a hard fate.

Where is the loving home that he had still so much?

Please click on his picture to learn more about Tino ...

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13. Oktober 2011

This time it took a real sacrifice ... the sweet Lassie was bitten in the Perrera of Jaén today.

Perrera is also overcrowded and it always comes back to biting attacks - this time with fatal consequences.

Here is the release of Pilar, a member of ABYDA:

"Lassie has died in our shelter. She died in a very terrible way, being attacked by her partner ...

You can not imagine the horrible images of her dead ... "

We are all stunned and full of sorrow - poor Lassie!

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11. Oktober 2011

A new Beißvorfall - this time from northern Spain ... The animal shelters are overcrowded and it all comes back to stressful situations, unfortunately, always with the dogs.

Please click on the image to learn more.

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11. Oktober 2011

Dear Animal Friends,

You can help us to 1000 € for our ailing dog to get, and you do not do is vote for us.

ING DiBa promotes registered clubs and the clubs with the most votes will receive € 1000!

The Humane Society of Europe is committed to help four-legged friends also from killing stations to a new home with loving people.


You have to do nothing more than:
1st Click on the link and vote for us
2nd You will receive an email from ING DiBa in which you must click a confirmation link
3rd On this page you will still need to confirm a time that you vote for us.

The whole does not take a minute and with 1,000 €, we can again help many needy animals.
Please spread the link generously in your circle!

Here he is again to copy:

THANK YOU!Your team from the Humane Society Europe eV

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09. Oktober 2011

Sauro, a very dear dog was attacked severely by other dogs. We therefore urgently looking for a home for him ...

Please click on the image to learn more about the boys.

Updt of November 2011: Sauro is now in the animal shelter in 79312 Emmendingen, where he makes is great. If you want to get to know the boys, they nhemne please contact the animal shelter.

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03. Oktober 2011

50 dogs from Jaca (northern Spain) desperately need our help, because the next winter and freezing cold standing outside the door ...


Please click on the image of Barbara, to learn more.

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20. September 2011

Chica, a 11-year-old Podenca would love to get another one loving home.

She has a sorrowful existence hunting in Spain behind him ....

Who gives the mouse a chance? Please click on the image to learn more.

Update of 15 October:
Chica has found a new home in Germany.

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16. September 2011

Elen has already lost four months of her eye.

She has learned to live with it and we now hope to find a home for the sweet mouse, which would not disturb them too.

Update of 26 10th 2011:
The small Elen has found her dream home!

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13. September 2011

Sky's the victim of a Spanish fighter who has "thanked" the ten year old female, by having their ears abeschnitten - after they no longer wanted as he ...

Then the mouse was plugged into the killing to Jaén from him where the animal rights activists give everything now, so will not be even more cut off from her ear must, as a nasty infection has spread ...

Read all about it when you click on the picture!

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