Tierschutzverein Europa

Welcome to our website about dogs and cats in distress


Dog of the day (29. 09. 2024) - Raiza
Mongrel Female, 8 years old, Approximate Height ca. 54 cm


16. Januar 2007

Dieselita was operated successfully and is now waiting for nice people who want to adopte her forever.

06. Januar 2007

In the New Year 2007 we want to ask for help again:
The old and good boy Jerri in the shelter of Segovia is getting all day worser. Who want to give a him a new chance? Jerri is a calm and nice grandpa, who only needs hands full of love...

25. Dezember 2006

Tita found a new home! She will soon leave Segovia...

25. Dezember 2006

Dieselita, a small poor bitch, have to be operated at her mutiple broken leg. Therefore the shelter in Segovia needs your benefit...

19. Dezember 2006

We wish everyone a merry christmas and hope that after the holidays more dogs can find themselves new homes...

14. Dezember 2006

Tita is spending her first winter at the animal shelter in Segovia and is freezing all day. Who can find a warm place in his home and in his heart for this beautiful dog?

11. Dezember 2006

Caro could be rescued at the last minute - an organisation in holland could find the poor boy a foster home.

05. Dezember 2006

Angel, a poor little female dog, who was left to her doom at the perrera in Cadiz, could be rescued at the last minute but must now once again fight for her life. He urgently need your help...

04. Dezember 2006

The animal shelter in Segovia is in constant need of pharmaceuticals for the treatment of their animals. Perhaps you would have the possibility... Read more under Donations in kind on this website.

02. Dezember 2006

Negra was operated successfully. We wish to thank all those who could donate and make this possible...
Read more about this under Donations/Successes


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