Tierschutzverein Europa

Welcome to our website about dogs and cats in distress


Dog of the day (29. 09. 2024) - Raiza
Mongrel Female, 8 years old, Approximate Height ca. 54 cm


01. Dezember 2006

For Caro the clock has finaly started ticking. Next week he should be killed an the Perrera in Infiesto. We urgently need someone who could take him in.

30. November 2006

Lanitas was stolen from the shelter probably by her previous owner, a gipsy. While police has been informed, the chances of finding Lanitas again are rather poor.

24. November 2006

Friki proved to be a really sweet puppy in spain. He is a real sunshine, gets well with all other dogs and is always in a good mood. He'll come to Freiburg (South of Germany) at the 25th of november to a forter home, where he'll search for a new home.

20. November 2006

Lanitas must urgently leave the animal shelter in Segovia. Who can provide him with a nice doggie bed?

14. November 2006

Kai, the old but friendly dog from Segovia, was bitten and lives now in pain at the shelter. He needs a new place urgently, where he could stay for the rest of his life...

09. November 2006

Negra, who is in right now in a care center of Spanischen-Hunden-in-Not, urgently needs to go into surgery due to a comminuted fracture in her leg. Who can help?

30. Oktober 2006

Poor Boy is nine years old and still lives at the shelter in Segovia. Who could find a place for him in his home and in his heart?

16. Oktober 2006

Pirata can be moved to a loving family with a warm home before the bitter winter arrives

10. Oktober 2006

Poor Blue was taken away from a perrera, only to be bitten to death by another dog in a pension in Spain.
Poor Blue...


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