Tierschutzverein Europa

Welcome to our website about dogs and cats in distress


Dog of the day (28. 09. 2024) - Brosa
Mongrel Female, 8 years old, Approximate Height ca. 61 cm


20. Januar 2008

News from Blacky.
This poor boy has only three legs now.

Please click on the foto to get more News.

Thank you
Ilona, Pili and Ute

14. Januar 2008

More news about poor Tristan who was suffering a lot. Now he is getting better and we search a nice home for this wonderful dog.

Please click on the pic to get more infos and fotos.

06. Januar 2008

Blacky was found in the middle of the town in a bad condition - nobody helped this poor boy.

A animal protector was calling the shelter in El Arca for help and now this boy needs your help...

Click on the pic and get more infos..

02. Januar 2008

The sweet Tamy is living now such a long time in the shelter from "El Arca".

Who want to take care of the small female dog?

29. Dezember 2007

Now also Frane and another small boy have to die after the attack.

29. Dezember 2007

The small Teix was attacked in the fiul filled shelter in Croatia and now he died.

We need urgent money for building new kennels...

28. Dezember 2007

Walter was getting a caravan for the shelter in Zadar.

Thank you a lot Walter.

27. Dezember 2007

The about nine year old male dog Riddi is so sad in the shelter "El Arca".
Who could give this small and sweet boy a new home?

Soon Riddi could leave Northern Spain.

Update from 02. 01. 2008:

Riddi found a nice home and could leave Spain soon...

23. Dezember 2007

The TSV-Europa-Team want to wish merry Chrismas.

22. Dezember 2007

Yesterday our TSV-Europa was introduced in the internet radio


Thank you so much Claudia and Wolfgang


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