Tierschutzverein Europa

Welcome to our website about dogs and cats in distress


Dog of the day (28. 09. 2024) - Brosa
Mongrel Female, 8 years old, Approximate Height ca. 61 cm


21. Dezember 2007

Now the several "help projects" are on our website.

We need your help to suport this projects.

Your TSV-Europa-Team

17. Dezember 2007

Layko, a wonderful and gentle Mastin Espagnol is handicaped and is searching a home in the ground floor.

Please click on the pic to get more infos.

12. Dezember 2007

Tristan was found in Spain in a really bad condition.

It is terrible it see, that some people are doin with our friends which have four feet.

Please make a click on the pic...

26. November 2007

On our Website are waiting a lot of beautiful cats...

24. November 2007

Positiv news from the TSV-Europa-Team:

Billy will go to a foster place in Southern Germany where he can perhaps stay forever.

15. November 2007

The social stress in the animal shelter of Crotia is crowing up all the time...
Now Billy, a really calm and good boy, was attacked by other dogs.

At the moment he is living in the house of Marijana to get healthy for his body and soul.

The situation is becoming more and more critical - please help if you can.

08. November 2007

We found a nice family who want to take care for Smily in Southern Germany.
There is also a really good clinique where a operation could be done.

But this operation is really expensive

Who can help?

06. November 2007

Caro (Nico),a wonderful eight year old German Shepard, want to find a new home. He was taken to the Perrera Infiesto to be killed. Pedro was saving Caro´s life.
Who want to give this nice dog a chance to have a good life forever?

Please make a click on the foto to get informations and look also the video.

04. November 2007

A Castration program for dogs and cats in Spain (Calpe)found a sucessful end.

The costs for the flight and materials were paid from our Orga TSV Europa.

Dear Adrea, thank you for your good working and the tim e you were spending.

27. Oktober 2007

Dear Animal friends,

a long and hard winter is waiting for the dogs in the Croatien shelter in Zadar.
There are no isolated dog homes or other buildings at this place. - Now the rain and the cold air from the ocean is coming and that is realy bad for all the dogs and also the people around.

You can help with donations of kind and/or money.

Please have a look here:
"Help Projects"

Your TSV-Europa-Team


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