Tierschutzverein Europa

Welcome to our website about dogs and cats in distress


Dog of the day (28. 09. 2024) - Brosa
Mongrel Female, 8 years old, Approximate Height ca. 61 cm


19. Oktober 2007

Smily ist only 5 months old and after an accident she is handicaped.
We are now searching people, who will take care for this small girl - perhaps there will be a posibility for an operation...

Please click on the picture and watch the video, too.

16. Oktober 2007

After nearly one week staying in Zadar, we decided that we want to help a shelter in Croatia.

We want to encourage these committed animal welfare activists in their fight against the streeet dogs and their bad lives.

08. Oktober 2007

Paulchen was hurted by cars and it was need to make an operation.

Now he is already operated but this was really expensive...

23. September 2007

Killa ist a Shepardmix, living in an shelter in Northern Spain.
She is ill and needs a warm place urgent.

If you have the posibility, help this poor dog.


22. September 2007

We could transfer 520 Euro to Rebecca in Greece.
That is so great.

Thank you very much for your help

Your TSV-Europa Team

19. September 2007

Julius is now really urgent because his mum at the foster place was getting ill.

Please click on the picture to get more infos about this sweet dog.

Perhaps you can help...

TSV Europa - Team

10. September 2007

A really bad carnage was starting in the "Perrera" Badajoz (Spain) the 06/07. September 2007.

All dogs there were killed.

Please click on the foto to get more informations and help with your protest!

10. September 2007

Please use the petition

at http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/966626022.

Thank you
yout TSV-Europa-eam

06. September 2007

Negro wanted to have a new home.
Now he is living in a foster family in the Black Forest.
Who gives him a chance to have his own place?

Please make a "click" on the foto and you will get more informations.

Thank you

27. August 2007

Everybody has heard from the burnings in Greece and there are also a lot of animals who need our help.

Rebecca is going to save the lives from 55 dogs out of the region from Peloponnes.
Please help her.

More informations you can read under:



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