Tierschutzverein Europa

Welcome to our website about dogs and cats in distress


Dog of the day (28. 09. 2024) - Brosa
Mongrel Female, 8 years old, Approximate Height ca. 61 cm


22. August 2007

Lola is a realy calm and nice female dog who was getting her babies in the house from Ellinor Gonzales.

Her last owner wanted to kill her in the "perrera from Badajoz". Mariangeles took her out and now Lola and her nine puppies Amon, Laster, Lena, Laolo, Yoanne, Leon, Pünktchen, Ravel and Lamina need new homes.

02. August 2007

The really lovely bretone boy Baby has to leave his home.

Who can help now?

23. Juli 2007

S O S in Badajoz - Mariangels needs urgent money for helping the lots of dogs and cats.

Please click on the foto.


Your TSV-Europa Team

22. Juli 2007
18. Juli 2007

Jerri left the Hungarian shelter, because his old owner was found now.

17. Juli 2007

Muki was taken out from the shelter with an animal protection orga and now he has a really good chance to find soon a new home.

15. Juli 2007

Mira is living together with her four puppies in Greece.
There they are waiting for a new chance...

12. Juli 2007

The small boy "Sky" is searching a new home really urgent.

At this weekend he will arrive in Southern Germany...

30. Juni 2007

Lucky is searching his luck...

He is living in the near of Osnabrück and needs urgent a new home.

Who want to help. We search for an endplace or a foster family.

24. Juni 2007

The blind small Muki ist urgent searching a new home.
The sweet 9 year old boy is waiting in a Hungarian shelter for a new chance.

Who want to give him a new beautiful home?


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