Tierschutzverein Europa

Welcome to our website about dogs and cats in distress


Dog of the day (29. 09. 2024) - Raiza
Mongrel Female, 8 years old, Approximate Height ca. 54 cm


23. Juni 2007

The time for vacation is coming now - please pay attention if you take a dog to the Netherlands.
Since 1993 there is a law, that fighting dogs and dogs which are looking like them, are going to be killed in the Netherlands.
Only if you have a special passport for this dog, which you only are able to get in the Netherlands your dog will sure be healthy if you go back in your country after your vacation.
Please tell this to all friends, well-know persons, neighbours and relatives.

15. Juni 2007

Two sweet puppies are searching a new home.

This are brothers: Johann and Goethe

Who has a place for this nice dogs?

12. Juni 2007

Ramon, who was coming from a Spanish Perrera is now waiting for a good home, where he can live forever.
At the moment he is living in Switzerland.

Who want to take this lovely boy?

06. Juni 2007

Borzos was left from his owner in an old house and he was nearly starved in Hungary.

Now this dream dog is searching a new home...

03. Juni 2007

the old Bubek is searching for a nice home. Who has a place free for this friendly grandpa?

27. Mai 2007

All the Labradormix puppies are in Germany now.

If you are interessted, please make contact to


Your Tierschutzverein Europa - Team

19. Mai 2007

Eleven Labrador puppies search for a home. Now they all live in a foster family from Ellinor Gonzales (www.hundeschicksale.de) - but soon they grow up.

Who want to take care of one of this sweet puppies?

13. Mai 2007

Minni-Mouse is searching a new home by people, who take care because of her sensitive skin.
We also want to ask you for bounities for AloeVera-biologics, which are expensive, but help the skin from the small bitch.

13. Mai 2007

Nearby to Valencia there were Podencos and Galgos bad treated. In the meantime the dogs coud be saved.

Yera Habili (Tierhilfe Aktiv Costa del Sol) takes financil care and asks for bounties to help these poor dogs.

Please look at her HP:

Here the account:

Deutsche Bank (Torrox-Costa/Spanien)
Kontoinhaberin: Irene Halabi
Kto.: 493 000 6052
BLZ: 0019 0093 36
IBAN: ES77 0019 0093364930006052
Verwendungszweck: Valenzia-Hunde

07. Mai 2007

The Cocker lady Rubia and her seven puppies are waiting for really interested people.
Rubia was put in the death station of Badajoz and now she waits in a foster Spanish family of a new chance.

Who want to give a home to Rubia or one of the puppies?


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