Tierschutzverein Europa

Welcome to our website about dogs and cats in distress


Dog of the day (29. 09. 2024) - Raiza
Mongrel Female, 8 years old, Approximate Height ca. 54 cm


23. März 2007

Gijón and all the others puppies found a new home.
Also the animal protectos from Segovia were looking for good places and they were also successful.

19. März 2007

The male boxer Papi was givin in a station ,where he should be killed. Now he needs our help...

09. März 2007

The lovely and calm grandpa Ördeg is searching for a nice home where he can live forever.

05. März 2007

Mazli was tormented in Hungary he he could keep his good character.
Who want to give him now a beautiful home?

01. März 2007

In the shelter form Segovia there are five new puppies. Representative standing is the small Gijón also for Burgos, Avila, Teruel and Toledo.
The sweet puppies were saved from a bad home...

28. Februar 2007

Sure some of the visitors from our HP have already seen, that we now look also for places for Hungarian dogs. More infos about their homes at the moment you find under :

12. Februar 2007

Inocencia is now called Zenzi and found a new home in Austria.
Her new mum takes a lot of care for the small bitch.

06. Februar 2007

Foto Poor small puppies were set out in Segovia without their mum. We search now for places, where they can stay forever...

29. Januar 2007

The small bitch Inocencia get really cold in the shelter of Segolvia where now are - 10° degree.
Now it is need to find a place for this little dog.

18. Januar 2007

Now a message in own case:
The Spanische-Hunde-in-Not-Team want to make a distance in due from Claudia Babic and her statements. This woman has really nothing to do with our animal protection group and this will abide also in future.


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